Quick Fixes For Push Slice In Golf Get Better Results

Quick Fixes For Push Slice In Golf – Get Better Results

Your posture is confident as you stand on the tee box, but the ball shifts off to the right, far from where you planned when your club makes contact with it. Do you recognize this? Push slice in golf are frustrating shots that are all too prevalent and may convert a promising round into a slog. You’re not alone if you’ve been looking for solutions to this issue; knowing how to recognize and address a push slice may hold the key to realizing your full potential on the course.

In golf, a push slice occurs when the ball begins to curve even further to the right of the goal. Push shots, in which the ball travels straight but in the incorrect direction, and slice shots, in which the ball curves noticeably to the right, are the two main types of shots that define this sort of shot.

When the clubface is open about the swing path at contact, the push slice usually happens. The ball shifts to the right and spins away from the desired line as a result of this misalignment. This shot can be particularly annoying because it frequently results in more difficult places on the course, making it more difficult to correct.

Types Of Slices In Golf

Types Of Slices In Golf

A slice is a stroke in golf where the ball suddenly curves to the right (or left, depending on the player’s hand) for right-handed players. Gaining an understanding of the various kinds of slices can improve your ability to identify and address swing problems. The following are the primary kinds of slices you may come across:

Pull Slice

When the ball starts to the left of the target and then curves even farther to the right, it makes a pull slice. An excessively inside-out swing path coupled with an open clubface at impact are the usual causes of this kind of slice. The ball first curves to the left because the swing path is too much inside, then it curves to the right because the clubface is open, which gives excessive side spin. Focus on lining up your clubface with your target line and modifying your swing path to be more square in front of a pull slice.

Push Slice

In contrast, a push slice begins directly at the target and then curves much more to the right. When the clubface is open in about the swing path at impact, this occurs. The ball starts right but off-target, unlike the draw slice, and the extra curve to the right is caused by a side spin produced by the open clubface. To Make sure the clubface is square at impact, correcting a push slice frequently entails taking care of grip problems, adjusting stance alignment, and adjusting the switching path.

Straight Slice

Although less often, a straight slice can still cause issues. In this instance, the clubface’s small openness in about swing path creates a sidespin, which causes the ball to go straight but vary off to the right. A golfer may experience this kind of slice if their swing path is stable yet their clubface is ever so slightly out of alignment. When dealing with a straight slice, concentrate on strengthening your grip and making sure your clubface is correctly positioned in about target at contact.

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5 Most Common Reasons For A Push Slice

Most Common Reasons For A Push Slice

There are various reasons why a push slice occurs in golf, all of which add to the unpredictable trajectory of the ball. You can raise your game by taking specific action after learning the typical causes of a push slice. The top five people are as follows:

Open Clubface

A push slice can be primarily caused by an open club face at impact. The ball curves to the right when the clubface is not square to the swing path, giving it a spin. This frequently occurs as a result of the clubface being tilted while striking the ball to the right of the aim line. To fix this, alter your grip and alignment such that the clubface is square to the target line upon contact.

Outside-In Swing Path

Another typical cause of a push slice is an outside-in swing path. When the clubhead approaches the ball from outside the target line and cuts across it at impact, this swing path happens. The ball pushes further right due to the excessive side spin produced by this motion and an open clubface. Work on swinging from the inside out, bringing your swing path closer to your target line, to remedy this.

Poor Body Rotation

A push slice may result from insufficient body rotation during the swing. Improper rotation of the lower body might cause the hands and clubface to expand up during impact. This lack of rotation frequently leads to misalignment and an uneven swing. Maintaining a square clubface and hands throughout the impact zone can be achieved by strengthening your body rotation through appropriate drills and workouts. A push slice in golf often occurs when the downswing is misaligned with the backswing, causing the ball to veer off course.

Also Explore: Rotate Your Body Like A Pro And Improve Your Golf Swing

Ball Position Too Far Back

Another factor that can lead to a push slice is positioning the ball too far back in your stance. The ball may slice to the right if it is positioned too far back because the clubface may be exposed at impact. To address this and lessen the slice, move the ball so that it is in line with your front foot for a more balanced contact.

Weak Grip

The clubface may stay open during the swing due to a weak grip, or if a right-handed golfer’s hands are turned too far to the left on the club. At impact, this open position may cause a push slice. By rotating your hands on the club slightly to the right, you can strengthen your grip and lessen slicing by keeping the clubface square at contact.

Related Article: Strong Grip vs Weak Grip: Which Is Best For Your Golf Game?

How To Fix Push Slice In Golf

How To Fix Push Slice In Golf

To fix a push slice in golf, you must work on several important swing and setup issues. You may lessen the annoying rightward shape in your shots and increase accuracy by making focused changes. Here’s how to properly handle a push slice:

Strengthen Your Grip

Increasing your grip strength is a popular solution for a push slice. For right-handed golfers, if your hands are placed too much to the left of the club, the clubface may stay open upon impact, which could result in a slice. Rotate your hands on the grip slightly to the right to fix this. By squaring the clubface at contact, this modification reduces side spin and promotes straighter ball flight.

Align Your Body Slightly Left Of The Target

A push slice can potentially be fixed with proper alignment. To offset the ball’s rightward push, position your body slightly to the left of the target line. This modification helps to correct the direction of your shots and guarantees that your swing path is more in line with your goal. To optimize your swing path, make sure your hips, shoulders, and feet are all oriented to the left.

Move The Ball Slightly Back In Your Stance

Shifting the ball a little bit back in your stance is another way to correct a push slice. An open clubface may result from the ball being positioned too far forward at impact. Repositioning the ball causes the clubface to become more square upon contact, which reduces the core and encourages a more controlled stroke.

Focus On An Inside To Out Swing

The swing path must be inside-out to cure a push slice. Practice swinging the club from the inside of the target line to the outside to accomplish this. This swing path reduces side spin that results in a push slice by helping to line the clubface with the direction of your shot. By practicing drills that highlight this swing path, you can dramatically increase the accuracy of your shots.

Record Your Swing

You can learn a lot about the causes of push slicing by recording your swing. You can spot technique problems like an open clubface or an incorrect swing path by watching a video of your swing. You may improve your accuracy and consistency by tracking your progress over time and making exact modifications by analyzing your swing.


Improving your push slice can have a significant impact on your game. You can address this common issue by tightening your grip, positioning your body appropriately, modifying the ball position, concentrating on an inside-to-out swing, and videotaping your swing for examination. These techniques make your shots more accurate and straight, which will make the round more fun and productive for you. You’ll be well on your way to raising your game and making better shots with these changes.

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